Well, I'm entering into a busy time for me .. 3 hunts in the next 2 months! It's been rather difficult as I've been dealing with some medical issues that have been plaguing me. For the past month or so I've been experiencing numbness and tingling in my right arm and hand, along with shoulder stiffness and burning pain along my arm. So I've been limited to the time I can actually produce some creations. But.. I've got the first of the hunt items done and almost finished with the next! I can't wait. 
Well, I've gotten bit by the inspiration bug.. I'll blame a heavy dose of anime lately for it!

So one night while vegging out with anime playing I came up with some great clothing ideas. Japanese anime flavor with a dash of darkness.

One thing I love about the Japanese is they are very creative and artistic in combining genres and decades.. right up my style! I'm actually excited about creating some thing
Almost a month later and I post finally... I know.. but real life has been taking priority.

Well.. after a month off somewhat taking a break I'm ready to get back to creating. I have a new Lolita inspired outfit I'm finishing up and have also been working on ...hair. or trying to atleast, I may not have the patience for it but then I do like a creative challenge.

Also.. was asked to step my foot back into the DJ arena and I just might .. it's for a good cause and one that is especially close to me.. Relay for life. Being a Cancer survivor I believe that funding research is vitally important. So, I just might. 
Been busy and forgot about this.. well not really forgot just.. again been busy! AS you can see from the front.. lots of outfits and more in the works. I also am working on a skin series of 13 skins.. can't wait I have 4 of them done .. I had to take a break cause I had to put the finishing touches on the skin for the Dark Katz Hunt. I like this one so much I almost want to keep it for myself hehehe I have been careful not ot have it on when I pop in and out of places but needless ot say.. up in my super secret workshop It's on MWAHAHAHAH  :) 

Ok.. off to sleep.. and hopefully my dreams will be restful.. I hope yours' are!  
I've been a busy busy bee.. but I expected it.. Loads of creative juices flowing and trying to get them all out or at least organized has been tedious! 

On a good note, I have been "accepted" into a hunt in SL..the Dark Katz Hunt. I can't wait. I get to design something specific to it so .. this should be fun. I'm excited.

Been Working with Z on getting our RL project up and running once it gets closer to launch I'll let you know! For know.. this kittie is going to bed..a quick catnap before back to work! 

Well, after..9 months and some much needed time to pay attention to the real world. I am back.. Den and I have finally found land for our stores and I decided.. Skins.. sure.. I have made mine for various events in world just to match an outfit. Granted.. still have aways to perfect them but each one has a special place with me. Make Ups that combine aspects of me.. Soft,gothy.. classic,punk and what ever else inspires me at the time.